NIDI imaging results:Brain, Frontal Lobe, Melanoma…
First 5 images show NIDI
*(5 colour markers are possible in this NIDI edit-Blue Lead, dark pink Iron, Pale Pink Aluminum, Peach Hydrogen, yellow Calcium-these markers represent things in the real world-Calcium is a progestin marker, Aluminum is a cholesterol marker,Hydrogen indicates inflammation & fluids often at an injury site or surgical site or wound),
after taking Two feathers healing formula…( ) (Note: gets Two feathers at a group discount)…
Next group of images are NIDI results in an edit that looks for Phosphorus a cancer marker, it shows as a purple colour…(Note: NOT the pink colour that is interlaced with the purple…)
What we are seeing is a tremendous improvement in a melanoma situation that had progressed to the brain…
NIDI stands for Non Invasive Diagnostic Imaging, a method of editing photos of yourself to see under the skin…Invented by Sari Grove, an artist…(the blog at has links to how to do the NIDI edits yourself for free…
We are building an automated site to do NIDI edits for you…Sometime in 2018, if all goes well, we will launch…The new site will be at …
The Facebook group DIY Cancer repair Manual provides help on how to do the NIDI imaging yourself, or you can ask the administrator Sari Grove through private messaging to do a picture for you for free…
Two feathers healing formula is a complex recipe that comes in a black paste in a jar…You put it into empty gelatin capsules & swallow…You can also douche with it diluted, dilute & do an enema with it, brush your teeth with it, dilute in distilled water & just drink it, & many other options…
Many people in the DIY cancer repair manual group, with many different types of cancer, are taking or have taken Two feathers healing formula…Sari Grove has been following them with the NIDI imaging, to see how they do…
This is one spectacular example of how well the Two Feathers healing formula is working…