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Writer's pictureSari Grove

Water + Copper level electricity = equals Hydrogen PerOxide …

Water + Copper level electricity = equals Hydrogen PerOxide …

Water is H2 O…

Two Hydrogen molecules or chromosomes and One Oxygen molecule or chromosome…

Hydrogen is labelled H+6 on the GroveBodyPartChart…

Oxygen is O-7…

So Two Hydrogens & One Oxygen would be: 2 x H+6 & 1 x O-7…

So that mathematic would be; 2 x H+6 & 1 x O-7 = +12 & -7 = +5

So Water would have a power of Plus 5 on the GroveBodyPartChart…


Now if you electrified that Water+5 with an electricity current at the Power of Copper which is Cu-9 on the grovebodypartchart then you would have an equation of water+5 & Cu-9 = -4 …

This means that whatever element you have made by running an electric current with a Copper power or a strength of Copper through that water will have a power of Minus Four or -4 …


We know that if you take water & run Copper strength electricity through it that it makes Hydrogen PerOxide…

How do we know this? because we know this from standing on the shoulders of chemists pharmacists mathematicians before us…

So we know that:

Two Hydrogens & one O & one Cu = HO which is the nomenclature for Hydrogen PerOxide that our forefathers & foremothers used…*if you look at wikipedia it will say that hydrogen peroxide is h2 o2 which is basically the same thing as HO what I am saying…Because the RATIO of one hydrogen to one oxygen is the same ratio as 2 hydrogens to two oxygens…

HO means one hydrogen & one Oxygen…

So when we added the MINUS ELEMENT Copper Cu-9 to the water which we know already is two hydrogens & one Oxygen …


When you add a Minus thing to something it Minuses the whole equation…

So by adding the Minus element Copper we Minused the total value of the water…

When we Minused that water we ended up with only one Hydrogen & One Oxygen…

so copper is a pretty big Minus! On the chart it is Minus Nine -9 !


So we went from HHO to HO !

Water is Hydrogen Hydrogen Oxygen…

Add the Minus element Copper…

Now you have only One Hydrogen & you still have One Oxygen…


because you have added a very strong Minus element Copper…

Oxygen is also a Minus element…

By adding a very strong Minus element to water you have made the water more Minus!

Oxygen is not as much of a Minus element as Copper is in strength…

On the grovebodypartchart the strongest Minus element is


The weakest Minus element is Zinc-1…

The strongest Plus element is Lead+12…

The weakest Plus element is Molybdenum+1…

So as you go down the chart the Minus elements get stronger & the Plus elements get weaker…

So oxygen is -7…

**If the human body is a microcosm of the beginning of time then the flow of elements in the body should also reflect the flow of elements from the beginning of time…

For example: If Zinc is the first element in the body (the sun makes Zinc family things like vitamin d3 & vitamin c & ginger root & pink grapefruits)…Then Zinc would be the FIRST element in the world…The SUN…

Then if Lead is the second element in the body, then Lead also could be the 2nd element in the world…Lead like dust…

In the body then the 3rd element is Manganese & now you start to see the pattern of the spiral…

Minus element then Plus element then Minus element then Plus element…The spiral forms the body the spiral forms a planet the spiral…Or the loose looking spiral which is DNA DeoxyriboNucleicAcid…Here is a picture of the flow of the elements or chromosomes in the body & in the order of the beginning of time…

GroveBrainBodyRepair Chart

GroveBrainBodyRepair Chart


So if you want to make water less “WET” you can run an electrical current through it with a strength of Copper & your water will still be wet but less wet than it was before…

Wetness is a sign or symptom of much Hydrogen…

Dryness or LESS wetness is a sign or symptom of more Oxygen…

The Plus elements are Male the Minus elements are female…

Men tend to be Plus element dominant & Minus element recessive…

Women tend to be Minus element dominant & Plus element recessive…

If your water is very wet then it means it might have alot of Hydrogen the heavy Plus element that is on our chart Plus Six +6…

So if you want to make your water less wet then you could run a current through it with a strength of Copper-9 & your water would become less wet & more dry & that is what you can buy at a drugstore called Hydrogen PerOxide in a bottle…

If you run an electrical current through your body’s water then it makes your body’s water less wet & more dry…This is called electroacupuncture…

By making the water in your body less wet you can dry out your wet Liver…


Oxygen & Hydrogen live together as opposites in your Liver….

If you have drowned or have found somebody who has drowned then theoretically by running an electrical current of Copper strength through their body’s water supply you could dry out their wet Liver & maybe bring them back to life…

This would be called “Saving Someone’s Life”…

That might be an instance where electroacupuncture knowledge would be handy at the beach Lifeguard station…Plus of course a portable electroacupuncture kit…


GroveBody Part Chart


GroveBrainBodyRepair Chart

GroveBrainBodyRepair Chart

In the picture GroveBrainBodyRepair Chart:

Brain Parts there are 12 locations total…If there are two brain parts mentioned in one location the first is the one that controls the Minus element…The second brain part mentioned in a location controls the Plus element…

If there is only one Brain part mentioned in a location then the Left side of that brain part controls the Right side of the Body Part…If the Brain Part goes Front to Back then the Front part of that brain part controls the BACK of the body part…If the brain part goes Top to Bottom then the TOP of that Brain Part controls the Bottom of the Body Part…

Please Note that the 3 main parts of the Human are the Head the Body & the Limbs…Hence the Brain Parts the Body Parts & the Limbs which we have not talked about much lately though in Book 4 of the Grove Health Science Series the arm is mentioned & there is a picture of maybe how to rebuild an arm…

Body Parts there are 12 locations total…

Minus elements there are 12 locations total…

Plus elements there are 12 locations total…

The squiggly line in the picture shows the FLOW-so the squiggly line starts with Zinc then flows to Lead then flows to Manganese & so on…

In the picture the elements have been reduced in name to their ABBREVIATION which appears on the Periodic Table of Elements…Some of these abbreviations come from Latin words…For example Aurum is Au on the Periodic Table of Elements & in English you might say “Gold”…

The numbers assigned to each element or chromosome are either + or – & each one has its own assigned number ranging from -12 to +12…

Skene’s Gland refers to a thing called sometimes the female prostate & both Skene’s gland & the male prostate gland sit in the private part area sometimes referred to as the genital area…The place where the bum or bowels or rectum or poop area is is in a DIFFERENT room…But if you go into that poop room & tap on the wall where the Skene’s gland or the Prostate gland is depending if you are male or female can “hear” you tapping…

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