This post has my notes on progesterone…I have added to it, as new thoughts arised…Essentially my answer is this: Do not supplement with progesterone if cancer is present…Do not buy into the internet myth that progesterone in ANY WAY opposes estrogen…In fact, progesterone converts into estrogen…One of the studies I looked at showed a woman’s estradiol levels rising exponentially while using progesterone cream topically…
“Progesterone serves as a precursor not only to DHEA, testosterone and estrogen, but also to cortisol, the stress hormone. It is also the precursor to the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone and is secreted primarily by the ovaries in females and by the testes in men. Smaller amounts are produced by the adrenal glands and in the brain cells of both women and men. This makes it instrumental in many core biologic functions.”
Comment: Progesterone cascades down the body, converting into nutrients & hormones the body needs, including estrogen…The notion that progesterone opposes estrogen is a myth…Progesterone is opposed by Iodines…If you want to lower estrogens,use anything in the Copper family of elements including:Mimosa Pudica, Cilantro, Coriander seeds, Licorice root, St Johns Wort, Caffeine & Coffee & Black tea, Coffee enemas which can reach the brain, Copper pills, Yerba Mate, Matcha tea, green tea…
New notes 2018: This is a Curated list of studies involving Hypercalcemia(High calcium), & Progesterone… The link between progestin use & Tumours has been vastly correlated… Tumours appear as calcium Oxalate or calcium phosphate, bening or malignant, but the base of Calcium, is most commonly attributed to some historical use of Progestin birth control drugs…Hormone replacement therapy & Progesterone creams & progesterones used to attempt to get pregnant later in life, have all been found to correlate with new appearance of lumps, tumours, cysts, & worst case scenario, tumours…
Moreover: There is a constant CONFUSION in medical literature between serum levels & body levels… What I mean is that IF you are EXCRETING something at HIGH rate, then you should have LESS of that thing in your body… OR…Possibly, your levels are so HIGH that you have high levels, & excrete high levels… Here is an excerpt about hyperparathyoidism… When something is HYPER, it is spinning TOO FAST… So you excrete more… Now… They characterize this as hypercalcemia… What they are measuring is how much Calcium is excreted… Not how much Calcium is in the body… One might think that Hypercalcemia means that you have High Natural calcium levels… But it is the opposite… They are suggesting that one should supplement with estrogen-progestin therapy, if you are EXCRETING too much calcium… So confusing… People with HIGH Calcium levels, should NOT take estrogen-progestin therapy…
Here is the following misleading excerpt: “Hyperparathyroidism A few patients with primary hyperparathyroidism develop parathyroid crisis, which is characterized by severe hypercalcemia, with the serum calcium concentration usually ….. Estrogen-progestin therapy is beneficial in postmenopausal women with primary hyperparathyroidism because of its ability to reduce bone resorption.” This letter details one woman’s horrific journey using natural progesterone cream…In case you thought the word natural means safe…
Previous Research;
Sari Grove
“I think it’s a load of crap…
Progesterone is what birth control drugs are made of & they cause cancer…
I have had many people come to me for imaging who went on progesterone cream for various reasons & now have either benign or malignant tumours…
Dr. Lee sold progesterone which is a massive conflict of interest for a doctor & he is really the main proponent of this most dangerous recommendation…
Tumours both benign or malignant are made of progesterone so I think it is sheer insanity to add progesterone to the mix…
Dr. Lee attempts to sell this idea that progesterone lowers estrogen which is nuts…
Most doctors will not give any hormone replacement therapy to women who have had cancer & certainly not to someone with active cancer…
I think it is just crap being sold because progesterone brings in profits…
The trickle down to these facebook groups is based on misinformation & bad advice…
Most people KNOW not to use progesterone if they have cancer…It is just so ridiculous that I even have to state this at all…” This article shows one women’s charts after taking a minimum dose of progesterone cream for about 7 months…About every 2 weeks at most…Her progesterone levels increased, her estrogen levels increased, & her testosterone levels increased…The notion that progesterone lowers estrogen is a MYTH!!!! Note that when progesterone is supplemented, it can convert to estrogen…(estradiol levels raise significantly when progesterone is introduced)…
What is more likely, if ANYBODY actually checked their levels, (like this doctor did for one woman taking a minimal amount of progesterone cream), is that progesterone metabolizes into ESTROGEN…
(quite the opposite from what all these doctors who sell progesterone creams state)…
this one woman did a minimal amount of progesterone cream, & her estrogen levels increased exponentially too…
Forget about all this theory-if you really want to know how your progesterone cream is affecting your estrogen levels, get tested! This will save you a lifetime of despair when you find out that the whole opposition theory is just plain wrong…
More:Progesterone metabolizes into estrogen…Which is opposite to this current falsehood that progesterone lowers estrogen…Progesterone acts like Calcium in the body , which is the main building block of all tumours, malignant or benign…
Why? “Progesterone can be converted into 17-hydroxyprogesterone which can be converted into Androstenedione which is either converted into testosterone or the estrogens”…
Progesterone can be converted into 17-hydroxyprogesterone which can be converted into Androstenedione which is either converted into testosterone or the estrogens
“Pregnenalone is the precursor (building-block) for all other steroid hormones. It is converted directly into DHEA and/or progesterone. DHEA converts to testosterone and estrogens. Additionally, progesterone converts to estrogens, cortisol, and aldosterone.”
Progesterone acts like Calcium in the body…It is a precursor to Phosphorus(what they call estrogen)…
Notice that cancer risk is much higher with the progesterone estrogen HRT than just the estrogen HRT by itself…Notice that synthetic & bioidenticals still cause problems, no matter which…If for any reason someone has told you to take progesterone & you have cancer, then ignore them…The studies on the net pushing progesterone are posted by people who make & sell the stuff…Progesterone raises estrogen & testosterone(& cortisol) as it breaks down in the body…The notion that progesterone lowers estrogen is pure mythology…Progesterone is NOT a detox thing…Excess progesterone is the cause of most tumour formation…Iodines, by the way, are opposed by progesterone…
Excerpt from linked article…
“Combination HRT increases breast cancer risk by about 75%, even when used for only a short time. Combination HRT also increases the likelihood that the cancer may be found at a more advanced stage, as well as increasing the risk that a woman diagnosed with breast cancer will die from the disease. Breast cancer risk increases the most during the first 2 to 3 years of taking combination HRT. Higher-dose combination HRT increases breast cancer risk more than lower-dose combination HRT. Breast cancer risk goes back down to average about 2 years after you stop taking combination HRT.
Estrogen-only HRT increases the risk of breast cancer, but only when used for more than 10 years. Estrogen-only HRT also can increase the risk of ovarian cancer.
The higher breast cancer risk from using HRT is the same for so-called “bioidentical” and “natural” hormones as it is for synthetic hormones. “Bioidentical” means the hormones in the product are identical to the hormones your body produces. Bioidentical hormones are said to be “natural” — derived from plants. Synthetic hormones are made in a lab and are also chemically identical to the hormones in your body. It’s important to know that many herbal and bioidentical HRT products fall outside the jurisdiction of the United States Food and Drug Administration and so aren’t subject to the same regulations and testing that medications are.”
It’s like grass fed beef…It’s still meat…Bioidenticals have been shown to do pretty much the same thing…Cause breast cancer…When I checked the sources for the Dr V article, the truth about cancer comes up-so I went to their page & read the comments…Women who have taken biodenticals wrote in to say they got breast cancer too…I get women writing to me for imaging, who have been on bioidenticals, creams, & they have new lumps & new cancer diagnoses…I don’t think any of this so called “new” research” is based on any intellectual drive, but more so from the desire to sell this stuff…Dr. Lee who was the only proponent of all this, happily sold his own creams…That kind of bias is very dangerous…I made my mother eat yams…After one serving, she noticed immediate improvement in the “downstairs” department…Start with food…I think the biggest fraud that Dr Lee invented was the notion that progesterone lowers estrogen…You think if progesterone lowered estrogen the oncologists would be prescribing it daily…But they are not…Progesterone converts in the body to testosterone or estradiol or androgen…It doesn’t detox anything at all…