You send them a letter by email to complain, correct & ask for a correction, an apology, & damages…
Dalia Somjen… From: “Joseph & Sari Grove” <> To: Cc: Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2015 9:04 AM (less than a minute ago) Show Raw MessageShow full header Dr. Rona Limor
Role Director Unit Endocrinology Research Laboratory Email
A person here in North America quoted to me something she read online…
She said that Licorice root is estrogenic…
I told her this was false because Licorice root acts like Coppers by eradicating Phosphorus from the Spleen…
That estrogens act like Phosphorus, thus Coppers like Licorice root ANTAGONIZE estrogens…
It is not rocket science & there are many studies on the effects of Licorice root to support it for an anti-cancer therapy…
But Somjen D, who was the lead on one trial says that Licorice root is estrogenic…
The study is obscure enough for most readers to miss…
But apparently some have decided that licorice root is estrogenic, which is False…
I am not sure why this trial came to that reverse conclusion & I am not sure if the source of the bad information is this particular study, but I’d like some answers…
This is coming out of your laboratory & you are potentially killing someone who is already starting to die from ovarian cancer that is progressing…
She is “Alternative” so drugs cannot be recommended or given…She needs a Copper to stop the spread, & the best one I could offer was Licorice root because it works & is affordable enough for someone out of pocket…
But your study or a study just like yours has put out the word that Licorice root is estrogenic…
I also found a list that includes licorice root, Dong Quai & several other very effective anti-cancer Chinese herbs…
If this is political or religious in nature then I advise you to cease & desist…
Medically, the Chinese have been treating cancer very well for centuries…
If there is religious bias in your studies or conclusions you had better put your lab technicians in step…
There is no room for racism in clinical studies if this is the case…
Furthermore, the conclusion of that licorice root study suggests it could be used to donate extra estrogen to post-menopausal women…
This is an entirely ludicrous proposition…
Just because you are in Israel & I am in Canada, does not mean I cannot fly over there & ring someone’s neck for putting out a flawed study…
I have been to Ben Gurion University of the Negev, & I am quite aware that there are better laboratories in Isreal than the ones in Tel Aviv…
Sari Grove
p.s. I’d like to see a correction of that licorice root study being made public, an apology, & possible damages for any harm that already occurred or will occur…
Have a nice day… Joseph & Sari Grove (Our website with access to our books for free!)
“I’d like to address 2 things, because they are important…
1)Phytoestrogens & estrogens are not the same thing & I have found studies & research online that confuse them-probably due to the fact that the researcher’s native language is not English…
I am seeing on the internet lists of anti-cancer medicines being listed as estrogenic-in particular the Chinese herbs…
This new “factoid” that we are seeing is that THC is estrogenic…This seems to be a conclusion made by people whose “problem” has progressed after taking cannabis in whatever form or oil or whatever…
Now there are plenty of studies out there that have established that cannabis has PHYTO-estrogenic activity-meaning that it attacks cancer…But here we have people saying that cannabis could be estrogenic, or thc is estrogenic, or the butane or whatever, & I think this is dangerous to say…
JUST because cancer has progressed does NOT necessarily mean that it is caused by medicine you are taking…
Ovarian cancer is particularly stubborn, & if you don’t take the thing you need, or the surgery, or the chemo, or the radiation, or whatever Alternative herb, then the thing could progress…
I am not sure that we can link cannabis with high thc to cancer progressing just because someone has made that conclusion…
Cancer can progress in spite of doing something that may be right…which comes to my next point…
2)Ovarian cancer is hard to get rid of…We know this…
People who have gone through the traditional route-surgery, chemo, radiation, tamoxifen, have made it through, but it was difficult…This was with very strong techniques that are very dangerous to take…
Alternative medicine is my favourite, but it will have to be targeted & very very strong…
Probably expensive…I usually opt out of traditional medicine if I can, but in this particular case, it might actually be wiser to get some strong real chemo…
Either way it is going to have to be a nuclear attack…In this case…”