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What “triple negative” or “triple positive” means in cancer talk as it relat

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove


-So triple negative means that your treatment plan will not address your cancer very well if it targets the traditional 3 places to attack cancer, which are, the liver, the adrenal gland & the spleen…

-triple negative means your attack will not work very well if it attacks Phosphorus, calcium or hydrogen excess…

-triple negative means your approach to your cancer will not work too well if you take Coppers, Iodines, & Oxygens, because your tumor didn’t show many markers for that…(But to be on the safe side, still include those things in your attack, just make sure if you are triple negative that you address the OTHER body parts on our chart…

Choose all the MINUS elements on our Chart to DETOX the body parts one by one…

chart new with chromsomes

Most cancers respond to cleaning out the Liver, Adrenal Gland & Spleen…This reflects the fact that birth control drugs hit the Liver, Adrenal Gland & Spleen the hardest & are responsible for the vast majority of cancers today…(MY OPINION based on facts that I have read over many years…But this is MY OPINION…)

However there are some cancers that are not directly related to birth control drugs…Thus they don’t respond to traditional chemo because traditional chemo is like a birth control detox program…Copper, Iodine & Oxygen…Think Ginkgo Biloba, Kelp, & Apricot Kernels for those 3 things…In that order…

But if your cancer is Iron heavy, like leukemia…If your cancer is cholesterol heavy like a lung cancer…If your cancer is lead heavy like heavy metal Lead poisoning…Then you need to address THOSE body parts(organs)…

For Iron(irish people tend to be heavy in Iron), you need Manganese…For Aluminum(cholesterol)you need Titanium(like CBD oil or Frankincense or Mistletoe or Statins)…For Lead excess(old lead pipes & your water is poisoned), you need Zinc(Vitamin D3 or Ginger root or Ginseng or Wormwood Hops)…

Depending on what you eat especially, you will know what your Cancer is made of…

You eat alot of bread? It’s in the Kidneys & you need carbon(oils or baking soda)…

Eat alot of sugar? It’s in the Pancreas & you need a Selenium like garlic or Cayenne pepper or Myrrh oil(Opoponax is a good variety)…

Eat alot of pork? You need to address your Gallbladder with Magnesium…Epsom Salt baths are nice for that…

Are you working near an open wood burning fire alot? or do you smoke regular cigarettes with the paper attached?(not an e-cigarette which has no paper & is a clean burn) You will have Bismuth(ash) excess…You need Fluorine(just drink your overfluoridated tap water for that…or use fluoridated toothpaste…)

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