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Writer's pictureSari Grove

WHAT YOU CAN GET AT WHAT HOSPITAL IN THE UHN…university health network

(sorry, file got moved within DROPBOX and this audio file is no longer clickable here on this blog-SORRY!) This is an audio file that goes with the book Foppapedretti…For those who are visually impaired…Both the book & the audio file will be updated as mistakes are discovered & corrected…(sorry) merry Xmas 2016 to all! ) Sari & Joseph grove

For stomach cancer/tapeworms/flagyl users/mouth & esophageal brachicardia/sinus arrhythmia (sp?):Light Mineral Oil, put in ears with eye dropper(one whole eye dropper each ear), put in eyes with eye dropper(same one whole eye dropper each eye), put in bum(one whole cup, then use blue butt plug to hold it in for a while, then remove blue plastic butt plug & hold in all night long) with enema kit from fighting (about $13.99 US without shopping to canada)…Put up nostrils next day careful also with eye dropper(one whole eye dropper each nostril)…Tilt head in correct direction to make sure Light Mineral Oil($6.25 about Canadian currency at recall Pharmaplus at Eglinton & Bathurst-ish-Note:Upper Village Walk-In medical clinic is there too!!!!)Foppapedretti..._Interior_for_Kindle


-1Zn Zinc (thyroxine) St Joseph’s health centre(aka St. Joes)…

-7O Oxygen (Oxygen from canula) St. Michael’s Hospital (aka St. Mike’s)…

-9Cu Copper Sick Children’s Hospital (aka Sick Kids)…

-4K Potassium North York general (aka NYG) Hospital…Alternative Wholesome Stevia with Agave (S Sugar +7), -4K Potassium, & Na Salt which is Mercury +3Hg on Grove Body Brain Part Chart…

(radioactive seed localization, palladium N4, which is a very strong Minus element which can be inserted into lymph node area, ie armpits, to kill eggs there or whatever, then removed, without removing lymph nodes themselves from human or cats & dogs or etcetera horses, deers, bears…

Carbon-5 C TGH Toronto general Hospital…Please note that: Women get Minus elements usually from Women…Men get Plus elements usually from men…Minus elements travel backwards UP the chart…Plus elements travel downwards down the chart…Though they Both do include the Body Part/organ, that they are in!

For example: Hydrogen water goes down the chart & hydrates all the way down from Liver, to Adrenal gland, to Spleen, to Gallbladder, to Colon, to Prostate gland in men or sKene’s gland in women *the thing called gender on some business cards you got!

And: Oxygen O -7 travels backwards Up the body, going from the Liver, to the Pancreas, to the Kidneys, to the Heart, to the Lungs & Lymph Nodes, to the Thymus gland, to the Thyroid…Thus cleaning all the stuff in its own organ/body part (the Liver), & all the stuff backwards up it! sells Enema Kits for $13.99 American dollars which are excellent & easy to use! 3X per week is ok…

Colon Hydrotherapy can cost up to $700.00 Canadian currency, make sure it is Health Canada approved !!!!(the facility where you get it!)

About: colonic: They go up your bum with a fat lubricated head tube thing & then another tube goes out , & then they shove water with stuff in it like chlorophyll CuCopper -9, & wheatgrass Cu Copper -9, up inside of you & you lay there while it is done, & a lady shows you a map of what is happening, then it is all over, & you go to their clean bathroom & pooh out what is left up there, then you have a nice long shower shower after maybe you have poohed & awful lot of gunk out a whole bunch of times, then maybe you have a lymph drainage massage after with essential oils by another lady so you don’t smell like pooh all day long…

After colonic you go to a pharmacy &/or do the see a doctor first please maybe, get some Combantrin (pyrantel pamoate) from a pharmacist (no prescription required), & also go see a doctor lady/woman at a walk-in clinic in the back of the store to weigh you so you dose it right…I weighed 70.4 kilograms at the doctor’s office at the back of the Rx (green logo in window) store several blocks East of 1560 Bloor street west…

Oh also the doctor woman got me a referral to North York general hospital where a lady woman doctor named Barbara Mederski is the top rated on yelp infectious disease specialist…

(The woman lady doctor at the Rx medical clinic at Bloor west is called Dr. Nadia Vasanji??? (I did not know her beforehand, I just walked in & was delighted to find a lady woman doctor there!!!!) & a Lady woman secretary too! (who weighed me, Digitally!!!)

The correct dosage of mebendazole…Albenza…Pyrantel Pamoate…Ok. so…

Albenza is Potassium -4 K, Zinc -1 Zn, Oxygen O -7…

Mebendazole is Zinc -1 Zn, Oxygen -7 O , Potassium -4 K…

That means that the order of ingredients is different, meaning the dosage of the FIRST thing is MORE than the second thing or the third things & so on…

Pyrantel Pamoate is JUST Zinc Zn -1 & Oxygen O -7…

Wholesome Organic Stevia is Agave +7 Sugar, Potassium K -4, Salt silicon dioxide Hg mercury +3 …

Numbers beside elements indicate the inherent strength of an element…Actual DOSAGES depend on the recipe…Some recipes if hastily put together will have elements listed Out of Order…

Most fake sugars for example will have Potassium K -4 as the main ingredient…It may have times 10 of that inside…So Minus 40, or -40…(because -4 x 10 = -40 )

Potassium K -4 Minus four, can be found in the peel of banana…

Agave S sugar +7 can be found in honey?

Salt Sodium dioxide, NaCl, Hg Mercury +3, can be found in rocks…(Cl chlorine is in the F -11 Fluorine family by the way: Colon body part or in brain Pineal gland which is where the earlobes are…)

Random thought: raccoons like to sleep in chimneys like santa Clause does too! (Bismuth soot +2 Bi is in chimney stacks…

smoke , ash, Ash Wednesday, cigarette smoke, fireplace ash, pollution smoke, car exhaust, burnt things…So brush your

raccoon’s teeth with Fluoridated mouth wash & rinse & drench them too after they are in the fireplace…F -11 Fluorine…

Note: Winnipeg(in Manitoba , Canada) has natural F Fluorine -11 in their rocks there…So it is FREE!!! (for those with colon cancer!)…

Womens College Hospital is a Manganese…-2 Mn…

end of edited version update sorry…the rest is unedited from here…

Montreal general Hospital= Bo (Boron boring!)

St Joes= Zn (zen)comatose Lee Childs books (staph)

Bay centre for birth control = Ca + Mb (Calcium + Molybdenum mouth palate torus dolphin) (milk & silicone tits)


St Mikes= Se (garlic)selenium

Brampton General Hospital= Pb + N (Lead & bread) (chili & beans with meat) rope method instead of cuffs (around neck hypnotize)…tonic immobility is when you turn a lobster upside down…& stroke its back gently backwards…to kill it!

TGH= C (toronto general hospital =Carbon oil Ghee Hanno Phenn Blender cookie (CGI express) Eldorado Farm wedding= Sweetbreads thymus male Horse leukaemia Flagyl deer doe a deer a female deer “Bambi”…re a drop of

Planta=collard greens & breadcrumbs (& hearts of palm!)=cure for baylisascaris procyonis is= -4K, -7O, -5C, -1Zn… CAMH= Ti (lsd in paper ink)

North York general = K (potassium) sp

ecial cereal with bananas & robin hood flour

WCH womens college hospital= Oxygen O 70.4 Kg

Sunnybrook =Iodine Io

PM= F (princess margaret cancer centre)


Hydrogen & Sugar= (asian preferences, Ginseng & Sugar): Note: sushi has a touch of sugar in it…sugar helps hemmorhoids pop back into place…(thus selenium causes hemmorhoids!)…Since Ginseng is an Oxygen, one might assume, that its opposite, Hydrogen is a causative problem in Asian countries , like Korea!…(credit: Dr. Larry Tan, Recall pharmacy, medical clinic, doctor)!

Calcium & Molybdenum: That birth control methods contain both calcium & molybdenum, because we know calcium is a progestin, however, the extra ligand is a bean, Molybdenum, because it needs something to stick to inside the needle to make a paste (like hummus)! (credit: dr. betty Hsun-Ju Chen WCH, Womens college hospital)…

Lead & Nitrogen: That the heavy metal Lead Pb +12, also contains the Nitrogen fiber ligand, because, when water is contaminated with Lead particles, the extra ligand of Nitrogen fibres is what gets it so hard to remove!…Why? carbon is missing because people forget to “Grease the Wheel” ie: lubricate their metals with oil not water(to avoid rust!)…

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