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Writer's pictureSari Grove

Where I got my CBD Oil in Canada, & what did I discover about its effects…

My review of CBD OIl from Buy Weed Online .ca

“I tried & tried to source CBD Oil (Cannabis oil), to address a breast lump(DCIS is what it is called by diagnosis)…Found out the oil, which is low THC(no stone), is not yet legal in Canada, though smoking it for pain use is…But eating it, as an anti-cancer treatment, has not been made legal yet… I finally found as a source, & I am just so grateful… What was unbelievably wonderful was getting a phone call, just moments after signing up with my details…Ronald McChronald spoke to me at length & straightened out for me what I was needing…Other companies had implied hash oil would work, which was NOT what I needed…I just didn’t know the difference between all the choices, & Ronald patiently explained the processes & the rationale behind using his Cannabis Oil-people using this medically aren’t wanting to feel stoned, because many are beginners with pot & cannot handle all that psychoactive stuff going on… Besides getting me the most high quality CBd oil, 2 short days wait from Vancouver to Toronto, Ronald made sure I was going to take it correctly-I microwave a bit of peanut butter, then stir a nail’s head’s worth into the hot fat, then eat with a tablespoon…(You need a bit of fat for the CBd oil to be aborbed by your body)… Well, besides all that, Ronald took the time to look at my website(because I mentioned I’d be documenting the progress of the CBd oil on my lump), & he helped me to fix a massive flaw in the Menu (an updating WordPress glitch I had not noticed)… Ronald gave me some solid business advice for my own career, which has helped me to kickstart some new exciting projects, but also altered my own mind paradigm… Ronald is a brilliant business person, genius perhaps, but also kind & generous…Interacting with his company impressed me so much in so many ways, I consistently mention Buy Weed Online .ca whenever someone in own medical Facebook groups(I joined several when I was faced with this question Easter 2014) asks for a source for CBD oil or marijuana for pain… Results? As has been shown in Clinical trials & anecdotal evidence, CBD oil consistently shrinks tumours, & mine was no exception to the rule… Myself, I developed a DIY Mammogram/Thermogram method, where I could see a lump using a digital camera & a photo editing program…(those who want to try their own DIY thing can see instructions on my site at grovecanada dot ca if you’d like-my books are free there too if you want to read)… So I can really see size & chemistry changes right away… The CBD oil works right away…What I was able to see, is even after just one use, the very next day you will observe shrinkage & chemistry change…In terms of chemistry change, I see an immediate lowering of cholesterol levels in the lump…I can see that because in my photos, different chemicals show up as different colours, & I have learned to identify what colour ring in the picture is what element… So the effect of cholesterol lowering is immediately evident…Which is important because cholesterol feeds lumps… It is also interesting because people with high cholesterol could use CBD oil to address that problem… In terms of side effects, I noted the CBD oil seems to have the same side effects as statin drugs, painkillers & also the same as Frankincense(Boswellia) capsules-which are all in the same family… These were-sleepiness during the day, extra hungriness for high protein food, & some constipation… For someone preventing or fighting cancers, knowing the side effects should help people to avoid them by- 1)taking breaks in the protocol so you get some daytime exercise… 2)taking some breaks so you don’t stray too far off your raw plant based diet(many like this for cancer treament) 3)taking breaks to let your poop schedule come back-& also maybe add a shot of flaxseed/canola/olive oil with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in the morning to offset the constipation thing…

Conclusion:Buy Weed Online .ca has been a life saver for me…Ronald is a wonderful entrepreneur & I predict more great things for this person…CBD Oil is definitely a boon for women trying to get rid of DCIS breast lumps non-surgically…

Update:The full recommended protocol for the CBD Oil is actually quite intense…About 60 grams in 90 days is what has been mentioned in studies…Myself, I took only 3 grams of CBD Oil initially, in order to see if it worked or not, & what the side effects were…It did work for me…However, I was not at the stage where I was ready to do the full protocol…Possibly because I think it might cost me about $3,000.00 right now, & also maybe because I am slightly fearful about memory loss, or maybe becoming a recreational user(no judgements here)…Since walking 10 km 3 times a week, & a raw plant based diet are important to me, I was maybe afraid that I would stop both…Or maybe it was the constipation-which for someone who is prone to that anyway, is not healthy… But I really think this thing is right for people who have pre or actual cancers…The Low THC CBD OIl…I think Buy weed online .ca is the best source here in Canada…I love paying by online etransfer & I love not having to meet someone in person in a scary neighbourhood…I love getting a clean package in the mail like a normal person… I may do the full CBD oil protocol in the future…When I am ready…If that happens, I know who I am ordering from…Until then, I can only recommend…& I do… Thanks so much Ronald for being there for me at this difficult time in my life, S.G.”

GroveBody Part Chart

CBD Oil is TITANIUM on our Chart

Grove brain Part Chart

CBD Oil acts on the PARIETAL lobe on our Brain chart…

Note: I noticed the CBD Oil from Buy weed online .ca has an affinity for the Brain…(you can feel it)…I know someone whose wife took the CBd oil for a whole year & eradicated her brain tumour…I believe it because it really acts on the brain…

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