Tonight we saw the Hedy Lamarr film titled Bombshell…It was wonderful & led to a discussion, first about patenting the DIy Imaging methods, but then further into what we could see…
I came home, & decided to see if I could see into a woman’s ovaries…My movie mate helps women chart their fertility cycle, & I wondered if we could check that using the DIY Imaging…
Grabbing a female belly photo from the internet(do forgive me, if this is your belly, or your photograph-I promise this is only for educational purposes)…I edited it in Lunapic, Pixlr, & Fotoflexer…
Here are the 3 results…In each edit, you can definitely see the ovaries…
In order to chart change, I suppose we would have to track someone every day of their cycle…To see change…
Definitely possible!
Ok…That is all I have the energy for tonight…Go see Bombshell if you want to be inspired by a female inventor!
female belly
fotoflexer belly
Pixlr belly
Lunapic belly