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Zenzole=-1 Zn Zinc, -4 K Potassium, -5 Carbon C with Sugar +6, -7 O Oxygen…Dosage times (x) X5

Writer's picture: Sari GroveSari Grove

Zenzole=-1 Zn Zinc, -4 K Potassium, -5 Carbon C with Sugar +6, -7 O Oxygen… Dosage times (x) X5, X5, X1, X1

Zenzole(made in India) is Albenza (albendazole) bought from an online Canadian pharmacy…400 mg per chewable orange pill…

dosage is about 20 mg per kilogram of body weight…So I am 70 kg., so times(x)20= about 1400 mg daily…

Tastes much weaker though as a pill, I am guessing it is more a child format of Albenza?

I am thus dosing at a higher strength…4 x 400 mg (4 orange chewable tablets)=1600 mg, & so far at noon, & now again at 3 pm or 1500 hours(Europe time)…I am thinking a good dosing will be 3 x 1600 milligrams per 24 hour period, or once every 8 hours…

(Toronto General Hospital Tropical Disease Unit tomorrow appt. at 8:30 am with Dr. Jay keystone, thanks to stefanie & shirley for getting me the appt., helping with referral info, & confirming some ideas about drug brand names…(Albenza is not available in Canada anymore according to an Rx pharmacist/medical clinic near to/west of, by walking, 1560 Blood street west…)

I have had 2 caffeinated carmelito Nespresso coffees with stevia & a little lactose intolerant milk(it just doesn’t taste good without some sorry)…The caffeine is for the Copper Cu -9 that is lacking in the Zenzole formulation…

Note: the unique idea I came up with as a cure for Baylisascaris procyonis is Zn, Cu, O, K…Not in that order necessarily…Zinc, Copper, Oxygen, Potassium…

Note: The sweet taste in the Zenzole seems to be from Maple syrup…Maple syrup is a Carbon from trees, plus a Sugar…Depending on the concentration of the maple syrup, the sweetness might still be a Carbon dominant format…With only a bit of Sugar…

I am finding that the Zenzole has about 5 x the Zinc at -1 5 x the Potassium K at -4 1 x the Oxygen at -7 1 x the Sugar at a grand total of +1 *(considering that carbon C is -5, & Sugar is a Plus 6, then total=+1) So total formulation result= 5 x Zn -1=-5 5 X K -4= -20 1 x O -7= -7 1 x (*Sugar with carbon ie maple syrup so)+1 =+1 Put those numbers together & you get= -5 -20 -7 +1 = -31 total valence or Minus effect of ZENZOLE…

Add 2 cups of Nespresso caffeinated carmelito coffee for the Cu Copper -9, -9, & you add another Minus 18 to the mix…

I am hoping this all will be enough to get the final raccoon roundworm out of my right ear…(was in my right nostril, right eye, & right ear)…

Am seeing a shrink at noon tomorrow to deal with the possible aftermath of the morning tropical disease appointment!(ptsd is a common side effect of appointments that go awry don’t you think?)

Dr. Wendy Moore at St Joes is an outpatient shrink there who is truly brilliant!

In Australia a daily drench is how they do it…( a drench is topically sprayed of sorts…)

Banana peel is a potassium as is Stevia, oranges or grapefruits are a zinc, papaya leaf or seeds are Oxygens, (Maple syrup water is available now in Canada to make medicine go down better!)

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