Me: No surgery or anything else conventional…Easter 2014 IDC…Focused on changing the chemistry from malignant to benign, as opposed to obsessing about size…Am very healthy now…Still have a lump, but from my own diagnostics( the best that I can do), seems to be inert…Taking a break from detoxing…I am hitting menopause I think & anything detox I do right now is triggering panic emotions…Am thankful I didn’t have any surgery…
How: I studied the chemistry of malignant versus benign…Found the differential was Phosphorus…I knew already from my studies that Copper antagonizes Phosphorus…So then it was just a matter of finding a Copper that worked…My brother helped me find Licorice root for that…As an artist, had already devised a method to see my own lump under the skin…Took before picture…Took 4 droppers of Licorice root tincture( St. Francis)…Next day another picture…I knew from comparing my pics to slim spatial light interference microscopy pics what Phosphorus looked like…I could see immediately the Licorice root tincture had cleared a swath out…I celebrated, my fear was gone, & took various forms of lots of Licorice root for an entire year…Then later, I found studies confirming my own theories…That Licorice root can cause phenotypic reversion, malignant back to benign…( studies are listed under glycyrrhiza the Latin name for Licorice )…Also- for those who have read misleading studies about Copper, know this- they are referring to Ceruloplasmin which is a Copper binder- which is not Copper but it’s opposite…Phosphorus…Those anti-Copper studies could kill people…For those who read misleading studies about Licorice root being estrogenic- those are completely wrong too…This is how I survived…Licorice root is a brilliant medicine…Coppers in general are most beneficial to all types of Cancer…In fact, probably the most important thing you can take, even more so than Iodine…I have researched this extensively, & wrote 5 books while solving for my own life( free on my website if you like)…
Where: You can also get Copper from Yerba Mate, Matcha, Green tea, St. John’s Wort, Copper supplements, Chromium, Boron can help with Copper though is much stronger…Gingko Biloba…Coffee & tea also…(Diet coke & Diet Pepsi too- artificial sweeteners are just one molecule sugar & four molecules potassium- main danger is they lower blood pressure too much-but that is your own decision )…
Those false studies:When you read the studies, notice they are trying to lower Ceruloplasmin…Ceruloplasmin is not Copper, it is a Copper binder…It is a massive & common mistake I see doctors or their internet tech student writers make…High Ceruloplasmin means low Copper…In Wilson’s disease they have very high copper & low Ceruloplasmin levels…Older studies are correct-citing high Ceruloplasmin as a marker for cancers…This new study coming out of Weil Cornell is full of misleading factoids…( give me a moment to read your link specifically – am in a car)…
Watch what you believe on the Internet: Ugh…It is so unfortunate…Copper has been known to eradicate Cancers, change chemistries back to normals, has been a main component of anticancer Chinese medicine for a century & is used in almost every regular chemo protocol…It is vital…Then this one hackneyed study came out of Weil Cornell & now everyone is just repeating this information or building on a bad theory…Either that or they are just trying to kill people on purpose…Vilifying Copper, Licorice root, & Gingko Biloba will kill people faster…The water study doesn’t really get into much depth…I mean, water by itself can cause tumours to grow…Lead in water too…Who knows? not a lot of controls on these studies anymore…
In essence: Just to simplify things a bit…Phosphorus & Copper are opposites…They live in the Spleen…Estrogen is a Phosphorus…So Copper antagonizes estrogen…So when I saw this new study, I already knew something was very wrong …Lowering Copper just allows Estrogen to proliferate more…Raising Copper stifles it…It is just basic chemistry…But wow it has screwed up a lot of alternative people…
Reasons I went Alternative: I was so disappointed with the answers I got, I opted out of everything…After the dumb biopsy where they punched a hole in my chest( literally), when I drank liquids, they went into my lungs…So when I go to the oncologist for my first & only appointment, I ask:” So what is it made of?( the lump)” The assistant kid Doctor ( who did all the groundwork) answers:” abnormal cells”…I was like, Omigosh,I have a hole in my chest from this dumb biopsy, & chemically this is all they can tell me, abnormal cells? I went home & started to research what these things were actually made of…Made this my full time job…& decided nobody was going to touch me further…This year I had an ultrasound & they said they saw :” two new trails”…I told my hysterical GP that the two trails were from the biopsy needle pulling out twice…But the lab was all like ” I’ve got to see an oncologist in a hurry”…They didn’t even realize the two straws were from their own biopsy work…It made me very scared to trust anyone…But it really irks me when bad research gets repeated all over the Internet…A lady came to me & asked what should she do…I told her, do this one thing…Take the Licorice root tincture…She says” Nooo…The Internet says Licorice root is estrogenic”…And that was that…I spent a lot of time disproving & writing about & explaining…After that…
Sad: She died…& in heaven she probably asked God about it…& He probably said, I sent you this lifeboat & that canoe & that rescue team & that girl who told you to take Licorice root tincture & you said that you were waiting for God to rescue you…
To clarify: …In answer to your question…Ceruloplasmin is not Copper…It is a Copper Binder…Something that binds is its opposite…This is the common mistake I have found in the reporting of these studies…Phosphorus will bind Copper, & vice versa…Ceruloplasmin or Phosphorus is extra high when Cancer is present…One study said above 383 mg/ l is unhealthy…Average of 404 mg/ l was breast cancer…456 mg/ l was lung cancer…These were levels from real women…(However one woman here said her Ceruloplasmin levels were not elevated- so there are anomalies)…But generally speaking Ceruloplasmin is high in Cancer…But that is not Copper…It is the thing that grabs or binds it…It is opposite to Copper…But the study reports that they are trying to lower Copper levels…Then when you read it they say they got the women’s Ceruloplasmin levels to lower…So they contradict themselves…Then they say they are using the same drug they use for Wilson’s disease- tetrathiomolybdenate…( a molybdenum drug)( molybdenum is in beans)…But Wilson’s disease is opposite to Cancer…Wilson’s is high Copper low Ceruloplasmin…Exact opposite disease…So why would the same drug work for Wilson’s as it would for Cancer? It is just ludicrous…The whole study is filled with mistakes & half truths…& yet I keep hearing people cite it as gospel & people saying no don’t take Copper if you have Cancer…But the study all the other links are copying, the original study, is gibberish, doesn’t make any sense…Not to mention they cite one woman…& maybe 29 total people…Maybe…It is so tiny, & anecdotal…Maybe because it comes from Weil Cornell…? Anyways…I have no idea what they were trying to do or not…The drug tetrothiomolybdenate failed so many clinical trials for cancer before this one, the manufacturer won’t allow anymore…But someone keeps trying to milk this drug…Its got to be a money grab try…The science isn’t there…But they sure are trying to make people think it is there…
Just checked the original abstract of the study: They say they maintained Ceruloplasmin levels between 5-18 mg/dl …( which is low)…( when you lower Ceruloplasmin you raise Copper)…They also say they did this using TM tetrathiomolybdenate…Which is a drug that Raises Ceruloplasmin…So they are full of —-…( expletive deleted)…You can’t lower Ceruloplasmin with this drug…The whole study is just, like, made up…
Here is the completely misleading bad no good dubious please do not believe very wrong wrong study that I am mentioning parts of in this post…Again, I am only linking to it here so you can try to understand how this study is impossible…
How do you take Licorice root tincture( I used St. Francis): Sari Grove I took 4 droppers a day…( not drops, dropperfuls)…Just stuck it in my mouth & swallowed…It is really the strongest that way…I got cheap later, & was simmering the herb on the stove & drinking the liquid…About a third of a cup of Licorice root herb to maybe 3 cups water…I then tried Licorice root capsules to see if they worked…Pretty good…But it turns out the tincture really was the strongest way to take it & worth the money( it is about 15-18 dollars here for those little bottles)…When you take the 4 dropperfuls, you will feel it working…If you have any lumps, they get hot…It just goes right where it is supposed to…First time I felt it was a little freaky…It really works…
Note:Please visit the sticky post at the top of this blog, if you have not already…Watch the very short video…Whether you have a lump or not, take a picture of the area of your body in question…A close up picture…Stay still in good light Macro on if you have it…Then edit it according to my instructions…What you see will be what is the state of your body’s chemistry right now…Read the rest of the post to find out what your picture means & how to correct things if you need to…Take pictures once in a while to see how things are changing…Ask me for help if you need it…Sari Grove on Facebook ( message me)…
Questions about lump size change?
When I discovered that my Licorice root theory could cause phenotypic reversion, turning malignant back to benign, reversing cancer cells back to normal cells, I shifted my priority from shrinking & dissolving to just changing chemistry…That became my first priority…I reasoned that I could live with a benign tumour, but that a tiny malignant one might kill me…The Iodine things I took, Madagascar Periwinkle herb, Iodoral, Poke root, Kelp, Seaweed salads, sea Vegetables like Arame, Japanese food in general, I knew would shrink it & eat away at the Calcium aspect, which it did…I did in fact shrink it down to much smaller, sort of at the peak of my journey…But I slowed down on the Iodines after about 6 months, because I kept getting my period all the time…I was afraid I was throwing myself into early menopause…I continued with the Licorice root, but cut back on Iodine…I found then that the size would fluctuate back & forth depending on what I ate…If I cheated & ate a gluten, it would be bigger the next day…The day after one of my extra long walks, it would be smaller again( 15 km)…I started back on some Iodine after a while & threw myself into a pre- menopausal state of sweatiness, & a new panic emotion thing…The emotion was too much for me…I dropped my mum off at the airport & started crying at her leaving…Me, the cerebral nerd…I couldn’t handle the emotions…So I stopped the Iodine again…The lump changing size up or down didn’t bother me anymore…It wasn’t growing, it was just reflecting what I put I put in my mouth…I had also read about other women who hadn’t had any surgery…Many of them still have something there…These lumps are hard bone like things…To actually get rid of them non- surgically you would have to take loads of Calcium burning Iodine…You also need Iron burning Manganese( I used the herb Mugwort for Manganese & later Bloodroot capsules from Zenith herbals which also contain Graviola/Potassium, Chaparral/Selenium, Galangal/Zinc)…Since the core of every malignant tumour is Calcium Iron & Phosphorus ( a benign tumour is Calcium & Iron only), the three things you need to dissolve that are Iodine for the calcium, Manganese for the Iron, & Copper for the Phosphorus…At the moment I have been on a vacation so to speak…I am trying to patch up the emotional deficiency I created, as well as the biopsy hole which reopened after a vigorous massage this summer…So I am eating repair foods…( I shouldn’t list them here, I don’t want to confuse people- they are not detox foods or things)…So lump is not much smaller really right now…I’d have to get another ultrasound to check exact size…It swells up when I am stressed, so of course it measures bigger during an ultrasound session…I think it varies from 3.5 cm to 2.5 cm right now, while I am eating like a normal human being…It can drop to 1.5 cm if I am doing a better diet…I have all the supplies to black salve it out, & learned how to do that, but backed out of that idea much more after speaking to someone else who had backed out…I may just leave it there…It isn’t doing anything…Calcium Phosphate is like what teeth are made of…So dissolving that material is actually pretty difficult…Once you understand that, you are less likely to have eradication or size shrinkage as your main goal…Though women have done that too…The panic emotion has stopped me from going further for the moment…If I can figure out how to just get Iodine to the lump without it going anywhere else…Like DIY limb perfusion! Anyways…Sorry…Long answer…Sorry also that I can’t say I dissolved it completely…I know that is what people want to hear…
Ceruloplasmin level goals:I did mention to rescue a useful tidbit from the flawed study:
Goal levels of Ceruloplasmin for women were between 5-17 …( mg/dl)…
Which means that your ” normal” level of 28, might be high if you are trying to beat breast or any other kind of cancer…
Explained again more simply:
If you examine the “Copper” study, you will find that it is not Copper at all that they are lowering, but Ceruloplasmin which is a Copper binder…A Copper binder is exactly opposite to Copper…For instance, a Phosphorus like yogurt will bind a Copper like green tea…So yogurt is a Copper binder…High Ceruloplasmin levels are a marker for Cancer, which means in simpler terms that high yogurt levels are a marker…The study is written poorly & only had 29 people & they only mention one woman specifically…They talk about lowering Ceruloplasmin levels to between 8-17 mg/ dl , which is interesting, because that is far below normals…But they say they did it with the drug tetrathiomolybdenate, which is a molybdenum thing, in English it is similar to eating a lot of navy beans…But that drug is used for Wilson’s disease which is opposite to Cancer…In Wilson’s , they have low Ceruloplasmin, & high copper…Cancer is high Ceruloplasmin, & low Copper…So the study that everybody has been repeating recently is really flawed…Long story short, Coppers like green tea are anticancer, & yogurts, it’s opposite in the Phosphorus family, really not so much( not at all)…ps.Cilantro is a neat Copper to eat!