This study compares melanoma & a form of sarcoma…
What is salient is that the two share so many biochemical markers…
Sarcomas feed on Bismuth…The Fluorine family of elements is what one uses to remove Bismuth…Bismuth is found in pollution, smoke, ash, barbecued food (the burnt part)…
In drug form, The fluorine family includes fluorouracil, which is a type of chemo…
In the food world, Fluorines include parsley, & neem (neem extract has been studied for cancer)…Betaine HCL( a supplement used to stimulate stomach acids) also falls into the Fluorine family…
Chlorines are stronger, but related to fluorines…This means that swimming in a pool might be beneficial in helping to remove Bismuth from your system…
Fluorines, as those found in toothpaste & mouthwashes are also helpful in this manner, if you have a sarcoma or melanoma type cancer…
Colon Cancer also responds to the fluorine family…
Fluorines can be dangerous yes, but don’t rule them out when you need something to kill an invader in your body…