So there was a toxin spill at Lake Tahoe & people got sick & many died & the toxin was called TOLUENE & one of the illnesses is called R.E.D.D. …
REDD is an acronym…
Anyways long story short here is my take on Toluene poisoning…
Toluene’s chemical composition is CH3…
One Carbon…
Three Hydrogens…
Excess Carbon in the Kidneys is in the Down’s Syndrome family of problems…Also Carbon Dioxide poisoning…You treat that with its opposite, Nitrogen…
Nitrogens are found in vegetables, plant based things, salads, green grass you sit on, & especially in Beets…Bodybuilding supplement stores carry Beet powder called ARGININE…It is way alot of Nitrogen…That is good for excess Carbons…Or just eat alot of Beets…Or Beet juice…
Now Hydrogen poisoning is in the family of hepatitis, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Alcoholism poisoning, Common Cold & Mononucleosis…They are all a wet drowning Liver…You treat those with Oxygen…Oxygen is OPPOSITE to Hydrogen in the Liver…I am using my Grove Body Part Chart(the one above also has brain parts so don’t get too confused…)
Oxygen things are fresh mountain ski slope air, Goji berries, Dandelions, Milk thistle, Sundried tomatoes, the drug Colchicine is just like Saffron the thing you cook with but stronger…
In fact Saffron in high doses is medicinal too…5 grams of regular Saffron can kill you as can taking too much of any Oxygen thing, think Cyanide when you think Oxygen…
Cyanidins in grape skins & berries are also Oxygens by the way…
So pick your remedy…
That is what I think about Toluene poisoning…
Ken Wilber speaks more on that subject…His website is
Update this Monday Morning 1:25 am:
The brain parts involved in Toluene CH3 poisoning, are,
For the Carbon C excess in the Kidneys, the brain part is the Pons, & in the body parts the polarity of Carbon should be on the left side of the body, so the left Kidney would have the excess of Carbon predominantly…In the Pons, which sits just above the brain stem at the back of the head above the Medulla Oblongata which sits more centrally on the brain stem at the back of the head & neck area almost…The Pons controls the Kidneys…So any kind of therapeutic massage technique that addresses the back of the head above the neck area, but the lower part of the back of the head, would help the Pons to cleans itself, & would stimulate better circulation to help the Pons rid itself of the excess Carbon from that first molecule of the Toluene…
for more about the brain parts as they relate to the body parts,
& also see
DIY medicine:A repair Manual for the introduction to the brain parts…
Note:It would be the RIGHT side of the PONS that controls CARBON output…
For the Hydrogen H excess in the Liver, the polarity would be on the right side of the Liver in the body, the right side is the Plus element dominant side & has the Hydrogen production…In the brain parts, the CEREBELLUM is in charge of the LIVER…IN the Cerebellum, the polarity of the brain parts would be that Hydrogen production would take place to the LEFT side of the Cerebellum…So the excess Hydrogen would be residing at the Left side of that brain part in the head in the brain…I like Saffron as an Oxygen thing that is relatively safe to ingest(people do every day in food), that will easily transmit through the blood brain barrier & reach the cerebellum to Oxygenate it & remove some of that excess Hydrogen that is drowning that brain part…
Update in response to a question on our Facebook Page…
” I met two psychotherapists in Toronto at Whole Foods(their dog Gigi approached me!)…
(Blake Carter & Diana-sorry I don’t have a link)…
& was chatting with them about how art & medicine intersect…
Ken Wilber was mentioned because his field is Integrative as well…
Anyways, my chart, the Grove Body Part Chart, is a way to approach ailments & understand them at a basic level…
Diana said that Ken Wilber was suffering from something called “REDD”, the aftereffects of the Lake Tahoe spill…
I offered to look into Toluene poisoning using my chart to get in to what the illness affects…
Which resulted in my blog post…
But the link here takes you to Ken Wilber himself talking about the spill in more detail & his analysis of the effects…He has more about that in various places which you can find by Googling his name & Lake Tahoe or REDD or Toluene…
(I should add two things here…Since Toluene is a CH3 poisoning, that means it is Carbon & Hydrogen poisoning…
On my chart, Carbon is antagonized by Nitrogen, & Hydrogen is antagonized by Oxygen…
So if you were going to add Nitrogen & Oxygen to your diet, two powerful sources are:
1)for Nitrogen, Beet juice
2)for Oxygen:Apricot kernels…”
My Answer to a Facebook comment:”You’re welcome! & Thank you! The more we all put our heads together, the better we can solve solvable problems…I’m sorry you have symptoms…I bet you can fix that…When you do, come back & tell what you did that worked…CFS chronic fatigue syndrome is very similar to the REDD problem(the Hydrogen excess), though minus the Carbon excess…A raw plant based diet for a little while will also boost your Nitrogen levels…The apricot kernels are a really strong source of Oxygen that will boost your energy…You can eat like 20 apricot kernels a day-they are nutty & a little bitter, but not totally terrible…”